I am a mother to Ethan and Owen. I am a little bit OCD about things. I ask waaaayyy too many questions. I love a good challenge. I am VERY competitive and I don't like to lose.
I graduated ETSU in May 2009 with a degree in Mass Communication. We recently moved our little family to McMinnville in middle Tennessee and bought a house. We love the area and are enjoying making new friends.
So obviously the one on top is Owen because Ethan is also in the picture. But look at the uncanny similarities! The bottom picture is Ethan just days after he was born (hence the nice jaundice tan) and the one on top is Owen at one month old. I think they look like twins separated by three years.
We hope this letter finds you and your family well this holiday season. We have had many blessings in our lives this year. Most importantly our second son, Owen James, was born safe and healthy in August. He is a happy child with an amiable personality. Ethan is thrilled to be a big brother and has transitioned into the role smoothly.Also, Ethan turned three this year and attends preschool, which he loves. His current interests are in cars, airplanes, any sports, his friends at school and next door, and craft time at home.
We moved back to Middle Tennessee in May and have been very fortunate to purchase our first home in McMinnville. We feel so blessed to be raising the boys so close to family and in the area in which we both grew up.
Chris joined a law firm in Manchester and is working hard to establish himself in this new city. He has been able to become reacquainted with old hobbies such as hunting and fishing… and some newer ones such as mowing our lawn, cleaning gutters, and fixing any plumbing problems that may spring up.
Jaime graduated with a bachelor’s degree from East Tennessee State University in May and currently spends her time caring for the boys and maintaining the home.
This year we have missed our friends in East Tennessee thoroughly. We have also been blessed to become reacquainted with old friends and to make new friends here in our home town.
We hope that you have had a wonderful year and that next year will be a blessed one for you and your family. Please contact us by phone, email, or pen with the information below to let us know how you are.
So we hosted Thanksgiving Day again but this time we had much more room to cook and dine. My mother, Chris's brother Greg, and family friend Joyce, friends Doug & Susan and their son Preston, and our boys Ethan and Owen were in attendance.
The company was great! The food was delicious! And we had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
The dinner table....
Susan McAbee and Preston.
I have no idea why Ethan is laughing so hard.
Me and Owen!
Greg and Chris smoking the turkey...
This is my mother and myself in the midst of cooking. I am so glad she came to spend the evening with us.... and so thankful she took Owen for the night so I could get out and sleep a full eight hours.
This is Joyce and myself. I am so glad she came too! She is SUCH a great help too-- and a cooking whiz...