Saturday, December 13, 2008

We had Thanksgiving dinner at our "house" (aka: 2-bedroom apartment-- that does not even have a kitchen table) this year. There were four women involved with cooking dinner and while I would LOVE to take credit for this scrumptious looking turkey, I can't. My sis-in-law-to-be smoked it!! Yeah, she's in charge of the turkey every year now. I made the precooked ham (oh yeah, baby-- stick in the oven and 1 hour later- PRESTO, it's done).

There were seven people sleeping in our apartment and 10 people eating dinner. But there was plenty of food. Unfortunately, not enough Tupperware. Actually, no Tupperware. At least we know now that those commercials about the Ziploc baggies being spill-proof are SO TRUE!!

This is just some of the spread. There was more on the stove and a couple platters of finger food to hold everyone over, which came in handy since the casseroles took MUCH longer to cook. Apparently, you have to add time on if you are planning to cook all four casseroles at the same time.

If you know Chris, then you know he really enjoys his food!! That should explain this smile.


  1. Your dinner looked awesome and I bet it was scrumptious! I bet it was fun having everyone there! We've had 15 people total when we were in our 2 bedroom, 750 square foot apartment in Memphis. But it was only for one night so worked out fine. (Did I mention there was only one bathroom too?) :) I am excited about your blog! Enjoy your Christmas break! I hope it's started already.

  2. I LOVE Chris' picture! I do remember how he eats......AND his AWESOME salads he makes that are the size of 2 MAIN DISHES!!!!
